
#35 - Go to a movie by myself

Going to a movie alone....is it pathetic or is it brave?  After all, people today think one of these two things.  You are either pathetic and a loser because you are in a movie all alone.  Or they could be thinking that you are brave because you are capable of sitting by yourself and enjoying the movie.

So I did it.  I finally went to a movie all by myself.  No one to hold my hand.  No one to sit next to me.  Just me.  Alone.  In a seat.  Enjoying my movie.

Before tonight I was one of those people that thought "loser" because someone was sitting alone.  I became that "loser" tonight and in becoming that person I realized this....

I am not a loser.  I am brave.  I am brave because I confronted my fear that society has put on us about being alone.  I am brave because I marched into a crowded theater, popcorn in tow, and plopped down right there in the front row.  Ok...so maybe that part about being in the front row wasn't my choice.  But as I walked towards the front I held my head high and told myself that I could do this.  That I have no shame in my game.  That I, Amy Kathryn, had friends but this was MY CHOICE to enjoy a movie with my other three friends....me, myself, and I.

So I sat there and watched this movie.  I laughed at the funny parts, teared up at "those moments", and completely enjoyed the movie that I saw.  And during this time, for the first time in my life, I didn't have a care what someone else was thinking.  I realized that they weren't there to sit and poke fun of someone sitting alone...people were there to watch a movie.  And even if they were, who cares, I felt liberated to know that I can confront my fears and know I will be ok.

After all....I did survive the great "movie by yourself" and I'm here to blog about it....

Movie: $10.50
Popcorn and Soda: $11.85
Crossing off another Day Zero Item: Priceless

Ok...so my ticket was paper and got a little beaten from setting it down in something on the counter.  Oops!!

"Language has created the word "loneliness" to express the pain of being alone.  And it has created the word "solitude" to express the glory of being alone.
~Paul Johannes Tillich~


  1. I love going to the movies!! Don't go alone very often though.

  2. I used to go to movies alone in Nashville all the time. Especially the 100 oaks theater, maybe because it was literally a hop/skip/jump away from my apartment and the least crowded of all the ones to choose from, but the thought of going to a movie alone here in good ole lake county is so daunting, i don't know if i can do it.... Great job go, it is a very liberating experience. =)

  3. lol breakthrough!
    'And during this time, for the first time in my life, I didn't have a care what someone else was thinking. I realized that they weren't there to sit and poke fun of someone sitting alone...people were there to watch a movie. And even if they were, who cares'

  4. Going to the movies alone is fun no one to bother you or distract you. Besides not like you can talk anyways.
