
Hold On or Let Go

What am I holding on to?
I need so much but expect so little.
Is the sky falling or am I just floating?
Everything changes when you look at it a different way.
So much passion waiting to be released.
Get a grip and hold on tight - but yet - release the tension.
No one understands.
Maybe that's the whole point.

What are WE holding on to?
Each other?  Very tightly?

Don't let go or you could fall.
Or maybe if you do, you'll find all the answers you've been looking for.
Is the glass half empty or half full?
Either way, something is missing.
Something we are all in search for.
Or is it there and just not for our eyes?

Change who you are.
But stay the same.
Is reality your imagination?
The pain that you hate today could be what you long for tomorrow.
Don't let them tell you that you are insane.

Hold on.
Hold on tight to what you have and experience what you don't.
Feel it.
Do you feel it inside you?
The desire?
Don't be afraid to let it go.
For it will be gone tomorrow.

So what am I holding on to?

"Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to"

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